Sunday, December 6, 2009

What is the Pi Project?

THE PI PROJECT: Corrinne and Kathleen are both teachers at Keys School in Palo Alto, CA, which adopted Singapore Math 5 years ago.
Having taught several years in Europe, Kathleen was alarmed by the rote, algorithmic approach used by US textbooks. In middle school, it seemed half of the students were having difficulty transferring all those memorized algorithms to the concepts of algebra and higher math. When Keys School adopted SPM, they hired Corrinne, an experienced teacher from Singapore, to train their teachers. Corrinne had moved to the Bay Area after her marriage, and quickly found neighbors and friends begging her to tutor their children in mathematics. Once Corrinne joined Keys School, the school began to receive requests from other teachers and schools for advice on implementing SPM. Corrinne and Kathleen began offering teacher workshops and school training, and have a passionate desire to bring this world-class math curriculum to as many teachers, schools and children as possible.

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